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Frequently Asked Questions!
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We understand that the first time at a new church can be quite intimidating. We have laid out a few questions you may have in order to alleviate some of that stress.


What time is the service?

We currently have one blended traditional service at 10:30am on Sunday mornings. 

How do we celebrate communion?

We practice the holy sacrament of communion on the first Sunday of every month. It is an open table for all who believe in Jesus Christ. We typically take communion by means of intinction (dipping the bread in a communal cup), but due to Covid-19, we are currently taking communion with individual communion packages. 

What should I wear?

You can dress as formally as a suit and tie, or as relaxed as khakis or jeans. Come as you are!

What is there for my children during the service? 

The service is designed to have the whole family together.  We want to see the family united and not divided.  We fully embrace children in the service for the duration.  Our parlor (located directly behind the sanctuary) is available if you need to step out of the service to comfort your child. We also currently have changing tables available in our women’s bathrooms. 

How can I get plugged in?

Aldersgate has many ways to get involved! Check out our Bible studies, missions page, and our Calendar. You can also head over to any of our social media accounts for additional information and updates. 

We are located at 211 Alice Dr. Sumter, SC 29150.

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